What can be done with plastic that you daily put into your dustbins?
Plastic is something has changed our habits to switch to more non renewable stuffs from renewable sources. But the question here is what makes plastic more suitable for carrying any household activities. We see in our home as well,we tend to choose plastics over clothing bags. But what made this transition? Well it turns out to be:
Light weight: plastic packaging is lightweight and can take up less space than alternatives, which means lighter loads for planes and trucks and lower emissions. Durable: because plastic packaging is so durable, plastic packaging can be very thin. … Versatile: plastics can be transformed in many different ways.
Although these are advantages of plastic but do you know plastic is a major cause of climate change. Then why to choose products which are useful but eventually harm our environment and indirectly us.Most of the plastic waste which we deposit in the soil either don’t degrade quickly or they end up choking the throat of innocent animals. Indirectly we are doing “Adharma” to others by killing them and hampering the balance of the ecosystem.
One way to tackle this climate crisis is to reduce the use of plastic waste and switch to sustainability stuff. On an individual level what we can do is make ecobricks like given in the following pic.
How can Ecobricks be made?
Well you must be wondering what is eco and then bricks…From the meaning itself you must have guessed it as related to eco friendliness.But wait let me tell you what do you mean by bricks…Its simple. Take a plastic bottle and put all your plastic stuff into it till it becomes stiff. The following chart explains you very well.Have a look at it.
Ecobricks are surely the perfect solution to curb plastic waste rather than throwing somewhere knowingly and unknowingly and harming the environment. This is a really cool stuff,isn’t it?
The time has come to understand our responsibilities towards mother Earth and act accordingly. The universe is in perfect frequency,if you try to change it then you won’t be spared either. Live and let live. Hope you like this article which I tried to explain in simple words.